bitte helfen, Stichhaltiges Signal, Motor auszulösen

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bitte helfen, Stichhaltiges Signal, Motor auszulösen

Neuer Beitragvon donny am Samstag 15. September 2007, 16:14


Ich bin ein Kursteilnehmer in einer Universität in Indonesien. Im Augenblick habe ich ein Problem in meinem Projekt.
Ich weiß nicht von wo und von wie ich mein Projekt bilden kann.
Ich plane, eine stichhaltige Vorrichtung zu bilden, die einen Motor aktiviert, wenn ich meine Hand einmal klatsche, und/Abnahme sich zu erhöhen die Geschwindigkeit des Motors wird, wenn ich meine Hand zweimal klatsche. Und den Motor abstellen, wenn ich meine Hand 3mal klatsche.
Wie kann ich diese Vorrichtung einstellen, um meine Klatschenhand nur zu erkennen, um zu arbeiten, nicht andere (Fernsehapparat Ton, Maschine Ton oder meine Stimme)?
Irgendeine Idee, wie man das Diagramm errichtet?
For Your Information, benutze ich kleines Mikrophon, um den Ton zu erkennen und die Daten zum Verstärker zu schicken und dann neu zu legen.
Ist es möglich für mich, Mikrocontroller zu benutzen? Wie kann ich den tun?

Traurig, wenn ich um um zu viel bitte.

ist hier die englische Version

I am a student in a university in Indonesia. Right now I am having a problem in my project.
I do not know from where and how I can make my project.
I am planning to make a sound device that will activate a motor when I clap my hand one time, and will increase/decrease the speed of the motor when I clap my hand twice. And Turn off the motor when I clap my hand 3 times.
How can I set this device to only recognize my clap hand in order to work, not other (TV sound, machine sound, or my voice)?
Any idea how to build the schematic?
For your Information, I use Small microphone to recognize the sound and send the data to amplifier and then relay.
Is it possible for me to use microcontroller? How can I do that?

Sorry if I am asking too much.
Thank you
Beiträge: 1
Registriert: Freitag 14. September 2007, 07:38

Neuer Beitragvon derguteweka am Montag 17. September 2007, 17:42


Maybe posting in english will cause less headaches :)

I'd try to divide your project into some smaller units to be able to identify the different problems.
* You want to control a motor. Not just on/off but also with various speeds. This alone can be challenging, dependend on the type of Motor. So it looks like we would need more information about the necessary Voltage, Current, etc.
* You want to distinguish between 3 different "clapping-patterns" - therefore you would need at least some digital counter circuitery - or maybe better - a Microprocessor.
* You want to filter precisely just the hand-clapping signals. I think that this - properly done - would be the most challenging part.
Maybe it can be done by analog filters, depending on how good the selection between handclaps and other "noises" would be, but i think with a DSP filtering could be much improved, e.g. by using matched-filters, automatic gain control, etc.

But summing all those tasks together: This exceeds imho the scope of a students project by some magnitudes :)
On the other hand: Years ago, there have already been large advertisment-shows to promote "The Clapper", (At least i remember a funny version of it in MAD-TV) which comes rather near to your project.
Afair , there was "one clap=on" and "two claps=off".
Maybe you're still able to find such a thing somewhere in the www?

Beiträge: 1048
Registriert: Freitag 18. August 2006, 15:47

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